Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Four weeks and counting!

For so long this adventure has been only a speck in the distant future. After nearly eight months of preparation, my excitement and anticipation is higher than ever! Four weeks from today, I will leave the United States for the first time in my life to spend three months in Zambia, Africa.

The trip is a semester abroad program offered by my university. Twenty-three students, including myself, have been blessed with this amazing opportunity to serve God. Our ultimate destination is a mission called Namwianga, which hosts a church, a school, medical and dental clinics, and an orphanage. During our stay, we will take classes and spend time serving at the above locations.

Our team is scheduled to fly out of Memphis, TN the afternoon of September 1. After twenty-five hours of travel through Detroit, Amsterdam, and Nairobi, we should arrive in Lusaka, Zambia late September 2. On September 3 we drive out to Namwianga.

Your prayers for me and my team would be truly appreciated! Pray for a stress-free month as our plans are finalized and safe travels come September. Feel free to share this link with any others who would be interested!